These packs were designed to carry 2 mortars on the left and right side of the pack. These are a great place to strap in antenna accessories or any long hardware such as tripods or poles.
The big reason the Marines are phasing out the ILBE is because of the complaints that this pack is uncomfortable. The issue is that when a soldier is wearing body armor this pack is extremely uncomfortable. Since I don't have to wear body armor I don't have that problem. I have used this pack on the summits I have activated so far and found it to be perfect for my needs.

When packed my KX3 sits inside the rucksacks purpose built radio compartment. I have a Rubbermaid container that fits inside the pouch nicely and protects my KX3 from moisture and any bumps.
The ILBE system also comes with a detachable day pack. The day pack is perfect for those fast afternoon activations. It has the same radio compartment as the larger pack so it is very easy to adapt your radio gear to the smaller pack.
Both packs are covered in Molle webbing. This webbing allows the user to change the pack for the mission at hand. You can find every imaginable accessory from radio pouches to magazine holders. My "Field Desk" is a Molle pouch from Condor.
I don't have the hydration bladder that comes with the set but I have found that any bladder will work. I use my Osprey pack bladder inside the recon pack.
All in all this is a great pack with all the options a ham could need in a Go Bag. And right now they can be purchased on Amazon or Ebay for a song. I would recommend them to anyone.
1 comment:
Now that's a good senseible setup. I think I'll look into that for my FT-817 setup I have... Currently I have an Expedition Pack made for the FT-817 and Z-11proII tuner. Nice pack with plenty of storage pockets. It's just kind of awkward because now my personal gear has to be carried in a separate pack... The Expedition Pack is nice if you were going out for a day hike with a butt pack but that's about it...
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