Thursday, August 1, 2013

KK4NQQ gets Married and Heads to ALASKA!!!

After a year and a half engagement Kendall and I were finally married on July 20th 2013.  It was a great day!  Everything went to plan and we all had a great time.  As you can see Kendall looked great!

After the wedding we set out on our honeymoon.


What a fun destination.  Alaska is one of the most beautiful areas I have ever been to.  We saw glaciers, whales, sea lions, and more mountains than I could shake a stick at.  The whole time I was thinking, "That would make for a great SOTA activation!"

But I didn't bring my radio gear.  I figured I would be too busy......

But I did bring my camera.  Enjoy a few of our pictures and I will be back to activating shortly!


 Humpback Bubble net feeding!!

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